Awards Information

  1. Types of Awards
    Awards will be presented every four years to one senior scientist, and to one or two young scientists with the following designations:
    1. IRC Gold Medal: This award is designed to honor a senior scientist who has made contributions of lasting significance to the field of radiation research.
    2. IRC Young Scientist Award: confers a cash award to a young scientist who has made recent noteworthy contributions to radiation studies and is regarded as having great potential to become a leading radiation scientist in the future. Guidelines suggest that candidates for the young scientist award be (a) within 10 years of having received the PhD degree at the time of nomination, and (b) under 40 years of age. These are not to be considered strict requirements.
  2. Nomination
    Candidates for the awards are to be nominated by IRC members. The nomination package is to consist of the candidate’s CV and a letter of recommendation from the proposing IRC member. The nomination package should be sent to the IRC Vice President (copied to the IRC Secretary).
  3. Selection
    The selection of the prize winners is performed by the IRC Awards Committee consisting of the IRC officers, two former IRC presidents and two senior scientists. The Committee is chaired by the IRC Vice President. IRC members can propose members for the Awards Committee to the IRC Vice President. The members are appointed by the Vice President in consultation with the two other IRC officers. Expertise and geographical distribution of committee membership is taken into account when assembling the Awards Committee.
  4. Awards Ceremony
    An Awards Ceremony will take place during the quadrennial International Radiation Symposium. The awardees are expected to present a lecture as part of the ceremony.
  5. Scheduling
    Recommendation letters should be sent to the IRC Vice President (copied to the IRC secretary) not later than 1 March in the year of the IRS, and the IRC Awards Committee will complete their selections by 15 April. The awardees will be notified of their selections during the second half of April.