UV – Solar UltraViolet Radiation

Co-Chair: Julian Groebner
Co-Chair: Ann Webb

The SUV WG’s interests include creating guidelines for instruments that measure solar ultraviolet radiation, and
state-of-the-art quality assurance in monitoring solar ultraviolet radiation.

The IRC’s UV activity, restarted in 2010 with new leadership, has transitioned from Rapporteur to Working Group status.

The current Co-Chairs are Julian Groebner and Ann Webb.

Solar UV radiation is important for many photochemical reactions occurring in the atmosphere, and is directly responsible for the production of the hydroxyl radical (OH), the main cleansing agent of the atmosphere.

In view of the anticipated future changes in the global climate system, long-term measurements of solar UV radiation with lower uncertainties than are currently possible are required to quantify the changes in solar UV radiation. UV modeling studies using ETS show systematic spectral features which are a clear indication of features in ETS spectra. This currently limits the interpretation of UV measurement and modeling studies.

Current limitations in the retrieval of spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD) include inconsistencies in ozone cross-sections and total column ozone (TOC) retrievals by various instruments, a 3% TOC uncertainty, and the inability to obtain a reference ETS from standard Langley technique.

Scientific Objectives of the UV Working Group:
(1) To obtain a correct reference extraterrestrial solar spectrum (ETS) with high resolution and resolve remaining inconsistencies
(2) Address limitations in the retrieval of spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD)