iCACGP has three primary objectives:

  1. To promote core research on chemistry and composition of the atmosphere related to air pollution from local to global scales, human health, climate change, and ecosystem sustainability through:
    • organization of relevant symposia at appropriate meetings, including those of IUGG and IAMAS
    • collaboration with other international organizations that are either leading on or partly involved in atmospheric chemistry research, including GAW, IGAC, SOLAS, iLEAPS, and SPARC
  2. To identify and document gaps in knowledge and promote research programs in this field that require international cooperation through:
    • position statements
    • support letters
    • co-ordinating regional activities
  3. To promote the participation of students and young scientists in atmospheric chemistry research through:
    • facilitating the award of support to attend conferences and workshops
    • the Paul Crutzen Early Career Award